And I will go to the ocean and be tanned. And I will get a job swiftly and obtain secure housing fairly and efficiently. And I will continue to be the carefree and strong person I have turned out to be. And I cannot seem to contain my budding excitement for my trip coming up. It's funny because I keep saying "I'm going home." And while living in California, I've always called KC "home." Everything's peachy because well the family knows I'm moving but they don't really know that it's in 2 weeks. And that I'm driving myself with a MapQuest map, a gas can, Sonic coupons and some saved up cash. And a few personal belongings but not too many because I'm starting over.
"But you still haven't told them. I mean, they know it's going to happen sooner or later. You've managed to stave off the first few stabs they took at guessing when you were leaving. Ooooh you're gonna be in TROUBLE!"
I'm thrilled because I know that this time they can get as red as a freakin' supernova! I'm not giving up. I've got to do it sometime and I'd rather get there now rather than in a few years when these people are dead. I really really have nothing else left to do here in Kansas City. I've done all that I wanted (going to Worlds of Fun on 7/6 to cap off the year, I went last September when I got here!) and been through some tacky and painful ordeals (lost family, had money stolen, jipped by an abusive woman.)
I recieved 3 signs in the past few months that told me the timing was now to go. And then I have to save up money for a train ticket to Miami in October for a prepaid cruise! So of course, the saving continues, as always. The "No you may not buy those adorable shoes Jolee!" conversation at the mall. That's now gas money.
:) Ahhhhh.... the joys of being a human. To operate a vehicle safely with the Phantom of The Opera blaring on a Sunday afternoon... pictures to come!
Love, Light and Peace.
Jolee Summerville <3