I was in the middle of reading something about Modern Media International, which led me to the topics of branding and logos. That got me thinking that Gerard Butler needed his own web site kind of like Britney Spear's very controlled page. I realize he's busy so I wont bother Alan with that prospect, and he does have a lovely fan site entitled "gbgals.com." It's a very well kept site with plenty of information and photos. And since I was working feverishly last Monday (6 1/2 days ago,) I decided to put up the 2nd week's photo of my current favorite male star. So even though I technically was too busy to upload, and it proves I do have a life, I wanted to sort of redeem myself!
But I did post one last Wednesday... so I guess you'll just have to come back on Monday, October 4th!
Blessed be all.
Love, light and peace,
Jolee S.