Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Last Chance, All Aboard!

I've not been one for writing much of anything worth reading in the past several weeks. I'm sorry friends, busy I've been! I'm in the throes of a passionate romance (ha ha, not really so dramatic) and working more than ever I knew possible! Among the house chores, added snow has more than doubled my at home list of to-do's. I've also been working with a new partner on Marketing ventures which has always been a dream for me to conquer with a minor degree in school.

In other words I've been adding some direction in my life. I'm paving a way for my future self, although at the end of the day I must always remind myself that I could be gone tomorrow, so why worry so much over things the universe has complete control of? I'm also moving towards moving, a single institution which can stress one out greatly. But if one remembers from a previous entry, I've also got a large desire to completely renovate this bed/bath I've been residence in for the last 8 months. I must be crazy!

I'm very excited about each and every opportunity I've been blessed with and I hope that they will continue! I hope to send out some photos soon, but as of right now My Canon has been ruined. Ah the lovely joys of Auntiehood. I hope everyone whom reads this has a chance to make their dreams become reality, with hard work, a budget and persistence, it will happen! This is your final chance to board the Happy With Life train!

Love, Light & Peace,
Jolee Summerville